Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It is NEVER too late!

I quit my job a month ago. I wasn't happy. The trail went cold, the urge to fly was strong. I turned thirty this past September. That event made me really take stock of my life.

As a happily married, steadily employed, owner-of-a-house-I-can-afford-the-mortgage-payments-on I should have been perfectly content, right? NO! I was miserable!! WHY?? Because I wasn't following my dream. I wasn't doing what I was put here to do.

When I was eight or nine years old I knew that when I grew up I wanted to live in a warehouse apartment in the city with art & mess everywhere. Weird little girl to dream of that, right? I knew what I wanted.

What happened between then and now?

Much, but not so much that, when it really came down to it, I couldn't be living at least a big part of my dream.

What kept me here in suburban Maine, retouching boudoir photographs for a photographer who made fun of others for being "artsy-fartsy"? Fear. Fear that it was too late. Fear that I should be thankful for what I have and that asking for more was a total sin. Fear that I wouldn't be good enough. Despite all the support from my husband and friends I was scared.

But then I became even more scared of the alternative.

My husband, friends, family, all helped me find these great big straps for my boots. All I had to do was give them a hard yank. I started reading, surfing the net, talking to friends, looking for inspiration and empowerment. You know what? It's everywhere! All over the place....and it's free! All you have to do is look for it! Do a little hunting. Figure out what works for you. You WILL find empowerment, inspiration, love, beauty, strength, & guidance. All you have to do is pull yourself up by your bootstraps and just start looking.

So I start my journey, little steps at first, and welcome you to join me. We can all make our "what we were put here to do " dreams come true.

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